HomePage Foren Technical Conducting of competition Rank list for edited event in SIUSRank

Topic Resolution: Resolved


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    I have edited a copy of the template 25m CENTER FIRE PISTOL MEN so it consists of 3 stages „Precision“ (2×5 shots), „Stage 1“ (3x 5 shots) and „Stage 2“ (3x shots).

    I did it this way:
    Tempate editor
    Template: 25m CENTER FIRE PISTOL MEN
    Misc: Precision;Stage 1;Stage 2

    Phase configurations: –> Enabled 8 shot groups

    ShotGroupConfigurations: –>

    Shotgroup: 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7
    FirstShotOfIndex: 0/5/10/15/20/25/30/35
    GroupIndex: 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7
    NumberOfShots: 5
    RankingBehaviour: CyclicAndAllFiveShots
    ScoreFraction: Default
    Stage: 0/0/1/1/1/2/2/2

    It all looks fine when looking at the phase layer after simulation of all 40 shots but when I make the rank list the problem appears.
    Subtotals of the 3 stages are correct but the way the 8 5 shot series appears looks wierd…

    Precision: 47 48 47 / 95
    Stage 1: 48 47 48 / 142
    Stage 2: 48 49 / 145

    What have I done wrong?



    Hi Nickolai

    So far, you have done everything correctly.
    It looks like you have found a bug in our Software. SIUSRank cannot create a rank list with unequal number of series in the different stages. I’ve reported this to development and it will be fixed in an upcoming version. We will inform you in this forum.

    There is no real workaround for that issue. The only possible thing would be to introduce a 3rd series in the first stage and fill it up with 0 after the first 2 series are finished. Then you will see a 0 in the rank list.

    Sorry for that inconvenience. We will do our best to fix that issue as soon as possible.



    Thank you for your quick reply.

    I am making SIUSRank-templates for every national discipline in Denmark, why I came across this issue.

    I have encountered another obstacle. Children under 15 can shoot 3×10 50m rifle.
    When I create the template the phase layer looks good but the startlist and rank list looks weird again.

    The stages „Kneeling“, „Prone“, „Standing“ are shown on the print but the subtotals are not shown. Only the total score.

    I have worked around it by making the template as a 2×5 x3. In that way it is similar to a 3×20 template but a proper 3×10 result list would be more satisfying.



    Hi Nickolai again

    At the moment this workaround is the only solution to fix that problem.
    It’s a bug that we hide the „series“ column as soon as only 1 series exist. But we should also check if there are more than one stage, than it should be visible again. I’ve reported that to our Developers. We will keep you informed about the progress.



    Hi Nickolai

    your reported issue is solved with the new release 8.6.0 of SIUSRank.


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