
PC Software Installation

PC Software Installation

The latest software is available on our software page.

For the following hardware install the software:

  • No STYX, no SIN210, no barcode readers
    • No software required for operating the range
  • Barcode reader
    • Barcode library for creating barcodes
  • SNI210-Lane (yellow)
    • SIUSLane for the single operation of one target
  • SNI210-TLCD (blue)
    • 10 Lane Command Desk for the visualization of shots on viewer displays
  • SNI210-CR (red)
    • SIUSData for data acquisition and control of the range
    • SIUSLoader to update the firmware of the range
    • Barcode library as an aid to the functions and for creating barcodes, which can be sent via SIUSData
  • STYX
    • SIUSCockpit for setup, maintenance and updating of the range


ATTENTION: Only one SNI210 is allowed per PC and only one software with SNI210 access is allowed to be started.

Recommendation: Each PC program is to be installed on a separate computer at an event. In this way the PC programs can be used independently and unintentional misuse of the programs in the background can be avoided.