
Lane configuration in SIUSData

Lane configuration in SIUSData

Normally on a shooting range the target numbering starts with lane 1. This standard case can be configured automatically in SIUSData under “Settings\Config Range\Config…” with specification of the number of targets.

If the target numbering on a shooting range does not start with lane 1, the adjustment must be done manually in the configuration files.
In the directory “C:\SIUS\SiusData” the files “siusdata.ini” and “RCI.ini” must be adjusted manually.

Example range with 10 lanes with target number from 35 to 44

siusdata.ini – Key [CHANNELMAP]

  • NumEntries with assignment of number of targets
    NumEntries = 10
  • ChanXX with “target number – 1” and assignment of the effective target number
    Chan34 = 35


RCI.ini – Key [RCI_Lon]

  • FirstChannel with assignment of the first target number – 1
    FirstChannel = 34
  • LastChannel with assignment of the last target number – 1
    LastChannel = 43


SIUSData Channel Mapping