
Barcode numbers / checksum

Barcode numbers / checksum

SIUS barcodes are provided with a checksum. This ensures that an incorrectly read barcode is rejected due to the checksum.

Depending on the programme / input location of the barcode number, this checksum is expected during input or is to be omitted and is calculated. Here is an overview of where the checksum is expected / calculated:

Checksum is calculated:

  • Barcode library, menu “Insert\Einfacher Strichcode”.
    -> Can be used for generation if checksum is missing.
  • Barcode library, menu “Insert\Firer Info” (shooter number)
  • Shooter numbers in start lists


Checksum is expected:

  • SIUSData function keys, “Settings\Function keys” menu
  • Direct input of the barcode as a number at the control unit
  • Creation of a barcode in the format “Interleaved 2 of 5” in a third-party programme

Note: In some places the checksum is for identification shown in brackets, in other places it is appended directly to the barcode number without brackets. When entering, the brackets themselves must always be omitted in any case.