HomePage Foren Technical Operation of the system Translations in SIUSRank

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  • #1523


    I wanted to make a Danish translation for SIUSRank. I followed the tutorial but it did not work.

    I did it this way:
    Copied the „Translations.txt“ in the „Resources“-folder.
    Removed the „Translations.txt“ from the „Resources“-folder.
    Edited the copy to my likings.

    Whenever I wanted to export a PDF, the file somehow appeared damaged and nothing appeared in the preview.

    I then undid everything and was able to do reports as usual.

    Then I tried to change the language to German via the standard installed file „Translations_de.txt“ by removing „_de“ and removing the original „Translations.txt“ from the „Resources“-folder. However, same problem appeared… I could not make any reports – and I did not edit the German translation other than removing „_de.txt“ from the name.

    What did I do wrong?



    I am not sure what I did wrong multiple times but I gave the task another go and now I get the desired output.

    Sorry for any inconvenience



    According to the SIUS Tutorial I understand it is only possible to change language on the reports and the scoreboard.
    However, I realised it was possible to change two „EntryAssignment“ : Target Number and Relay.
    EntryAssignment;Target Number;Bane

    I tried to edit the other columns by writing the following in Notepad:
    EntryAssignment;Start Number;Startnummer
    EntryAssignment;First Name;Fornavn

    But it did not have any effect on SIUSRank. How come? Are these EntryAssigments just off grounds or is it in some way possible to change the others as well?



    Hi again

    So… How do I change the width of the columns in a report – a list of results for instance?

    I have tried to change the width by altering the „Translations“ (I have change the value of the following bold markings) without any luck..


    I also tried changing the width by altering the file „ReportColumnDefinitions“

    <ReportColumnDefinition ColumnName=“Remarks“ HeaderTitleId=“Remarks“ HeaderBold=“true“ TextAlignment=“TopLeft“ HeaderTextAlignment=“MiddleLeft“ Width=“50“ Height=“24″ DataBinding=“Remarks“ Multiline=“false“ WordWrap=“false“ ShowBorder=“true“ />

    The reason I am asking is, I want to display the shooters club in the „nation“-column. At the moment, I am only able to have 6 characters at one line. If the „nation“-column uses more than one line things look weird in the report with odd spacings

    I have uploaded a picture of a report showing my obstacle at imgur.com. You can find it HERE


    • Diese Antwort wurde vor 4 Jahren, 7 Monaten von NickolaiMalte geändert.

    I tried to edit the other columns by writing the following in Notepad:
    EntryAssignment;Start Number;Startnummer
    EntryAssignment;First Name;Fornavn

    But it did not have any effect on SIUSRank. How come? Are these EntryAssigments just off grounds or is it in some way possible to change the others as well?

    The additional translations don’t exist and are therefore not translated.
    For translations on reports use the existing entries under the category Report.Columns


    The reason I am asking is, I want to display the shooters club in the “nation”-column. At the moment, I am only able to have 6 characters at one line. If the “nation”-column uses more than one line things look weird in the report with odd spacings

    We don’t support custom column width in the moment. We are working on a reporting solution for the future which will allow the customer to make their own changes to reports.
    There is no date for this feature.


    The additional translations don’t exist and are therefore not translated.

    Sure they don’t – I can understand that. What I don’t understand is, why they don’t exist since


    exist and

    EntryAssignment;Start Number;Start Number
    EntryAssignment;First Name;First Name

    do not exist


    Dear Nickolai

    please open for this issue a ticket by sending an email with a detailed request to Support.

    The Support will forward your request to the development dept. The developers will review your request and will implement it is a general requirement.

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