
Zoom and Match, no reaction

Zoom and Match, no reaction

The function “Logon\Firer number” is intended for manual input of the shooter number via the keyboard.

If this function is called up via a barcode reader or from the central data acquisition PC, the control unit waits for a shooter number to be entered via the keyboard and confirmed with “Enter”. Each keystroke on the control unit, including Zoom and Match, is now interpreted as input of the shooter number and does not react as usual.
By pressing the “ESC” key, reading/sending the “ESC” barcode or restarting the system, the input is exited. Normal operation is possible again.

ATTENTION: If the function key display at the bottom of the screen has been switched off via “System\Settings\Presentation\Other\Control unit\Function Keys\Off” or the keyboard has been switched off via “System\Hardware\Control unit\Menu\Off”, the input field for manual shooter number input is also not displayed.