
Old ISSF competitions in 10th score

Old ISSF competitions in 10th score

Is there a competition not available as you wish, make your own competition as user barcode in Barcode Library.

The old ISSF competitions are still available under the following barcode.

To enter a barcode use the bold part 20000472 in case that the checksumm will be calculated within the software (e.g. Barcode Library). Use the whole barcode 2000047268 incl. the light grey number if the checksumm is required and not be calculated in the software (e.g. SIUSData).

Competition 10m old score 10 new score 10.9 Note
AR40 2000047268 2000073555 10th score
AR60 2000047074 2000073458 10th score
AR 3×10 2000075495 2000060169 Only stages has changed
AR 3×20 2000076659 2000077726 Only stages has changed
AR 3×40 2000081994 2000060460 Only stages has changed
AP40 2000047656 2000073749 Only final has changed
AP60 2000047462 2000073652 Only final has changed
Competition 50m old score 10 new score 10.9 Note
FP 2000048141 2000072779 Only final has changed
50Prone 2000047947 2000072585 10th score
3×20 2000072682 2000072682 Old and new final accessible with the same barcode
3×40 2000072488 2000072488 Old and new final accessible with the same barcode