HomePage Forums General Suggestions Bar Codes: Special Definitions, Please provide some tutorials

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  • #2020

    As Sius target systems are used all over the planet, there are many circumstances where the targets, course of fire, and behavior of the range are not created within the delivered software. Questions to Sius support regarding how to create specialized match scenarios has been answered with “Create a barcode” for Special Definitions. But there is no usable information on how to do this effectively.
    Within the Barcode Library there are many examples of a match that would be close, but there is no way for the user to modify it, disassemble it in order to recreate it for a different course of fire.
    For example. Programs\50m\ISSF\Rifle 60 is sixty shots prone. I would like to create a user barcode for Programs\Other\50ft\50ft Rifle 60. For USA Shooting there are records kept for this event. However, because my instance of HS10 targets are equipped with 3 position lifters, there isn’t a clear method to instruct the lifter to remain in the prone position.
    I believe, if Sius were to create a thorough tutorial for creating Special Definition with the bar code editor, it may promote the acceptance of Sius target systems over the Sius competitors. It would make it more user friendly and easier for clubs to create matches specifically for their need.
    Another suggestion would be to add a section in the forum for Special Definition Bar Code, where the user community would send examples of what they created.

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by peter_mathys. Reason: Move from German to English Forum

    Dear Maikata329

    after installation of SIUS Barcode Library there is a short manual at menu “Help” available.

    On our Support page (scroll down a little bit) there’s the option Video Tutorials. In the section “Barcode Library” there are many short click-video tutorials about the Barcode Library.
    Additional all the videos are also available at our YouTube channel.

    Peter Mathys

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