HomePage Forums Technical Conducting of competition Team events in SIUSRank

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    In Denmark we have a specific team tournament with a finals round similar to the one at the European Championships (3 shooters per team, duel match, 2 points per win, 1 point per tie, first team to reach 21 points win etc.)

    I have tried to set up and simulate such a team final in SIUSRank and it sort of works but I am not confident I have done it in the right way…

    I did it this way:
    Phase Layer: I entered the teams as if they were a shooter with the team name as “Name” and “First Name” consisting of the individual shooters’ last name. “Team Index” = 0 (both teams), same “Relay”, “Duell Index” = 1 (both teams)

    Start List: SIUSRank was unable to make one, why I manually inserted the start number in SIUSData

    I assigned 3 targets for each team with the same “Startno” and it all works well so far.
    When I simulate the final, the correct team gets 2 points for a win – all good still!

    Looking at the scoreboard from SIUSRank, the leading team is marked by a red diamond. The winning team with a score of 21 or more is marked by a red highlighted area.

    Is this the way to do it, or is there a more efficient way? I have looked through the tutorials for SIUSRank but there is none regarding this specific event.



    Hi Nickolai

    I would suggest the following to have a final format like at the ECH

    • Create a Competition, release a license and check “Enable Teams” in “General”
    • Create Event with template: 10m AIR PISTOL MIXED TEAM
    • Change “Size of Team” in APMIX/More Settings/Others to 3
    • Change “Name” in APMIX/General to your desired description of Event
    • Set “Number of Points to Win” in APMIX/Bronze Medal Match/Settings to 21
    • Enter Individuals in Tab Starters
    • Create two Teams in Tab Teams and assign the Starters to it

    With these settings you should be able to simulate a team event like at a European championship


    Hi Philippe

    Thank you for your suggestion. I like your solution much more than mine.

    If it would be possible in a future version of SIUSRank to be able to print a result list showing how the duel-match progressed it would be much appreciated. As for now (to my knowledge) we are only able to print the total team score on the rank report.

    I.e our wishes.
    Team 1: 30.2-29.9-30.8-32.1–…
    Team 1: 0—-0—-0—-2—-4-4 etc.

    Team 2: 2—-4—-6—-6—-6-8 etc.
    Team 2: 31.0-30.5-30.9-30.8–…

    At the moment:
    Team 1: 22
    Team 2: 18



    Hi Nickolai

    You’re welcome. Because the Mixed Team event mode has been change every other month in the past years we didn’t invest much effort to create a bright solution for it. It looks like now the format is stabilized somehow. Creating a “nice” report is already on our roadmap. Thank you for your input.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Philippe.
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