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Warning: Attempt to read property "ID" on bool in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 399
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  • in reply to: new sius rank #3179

    Hmm. Seems to be a special issue in combination with your SIUSRank database. Can you please send your SRK together with a short explenation of the issue to for further investigations? Thanks.

    in reply to: new sius rank #3177

    Did you update all Styx devices to 3.2.x with Sius Cockpit? It’s important to have a synchronized version between SiusRank and the Styx devices.

    in reply to: GM 50m Gewehr #2208

    Hallo VSGT
    Eine spezielle Anleitung für die Schweizer GM-Finals haben wir nicht.

    Ich kann dir aber hier ein paar Tipps geben, wie es mit ein paar manuellen Eingriffen klappt.
    – Verwende z.B. das Event-Template vom AR60_2021 Event und ändere den Namen, Eventcode, Target Name, Caliber so das es mit einem 50m Event übereinstimmt.
    – Ändere unter SGMG50F/More Settings/Others die “Size of Team” auf 5
    – Ändere unter Final/Shot Groups in der Spalte Shoot Off Routine die Einteräge beim Group Index 2 – von “RuleOutLast” zu “RuleOutLastTeam”
    – Aktivbiere unter Final/Settings “Produce Team Results” und ändere den “Shooting Ranker Team” auf “SUIGM50”.
    – Während dem Schiessen, sobald eine Serie fertig ist, lohnt es sich “Perform Ranking” manuell anzuklicken, da teilweise die Rangierungsreihenfolge sonst nicht auf Anhieb stimmt. Evtl. ist auch ein Ctrl+”Perform Ranking” nötig.

    Mit diesen Änderungen kannst du den GM-Final gemäss neustem Regelment durchführen. Sofern sich die Wettkampfleitung dazu entscheidet, dieses Format beizubehalten, werden wir die entsprechenden Templates anpassen, so dass ab einem der nächsten SIUSRank Releases der Event korrekt konfiguriert erstellt werden kann.

    Ich hoffe, ich konnte dir damit weiterhelfen.

    in reply to: SIUSRank 8.9.0 #2153

    Dear skyva

    Because ISSF now have team events with separate qualification, we improved the settings a bit. Now you can have events with individual and team combined (as before). Or team only or individual only. To create or change an event to shoot individual and team with the same results, you have to do the following steps:
    1. Select “Qualification” phase
    2. Go to “Settings” on the right side, next to the tree-view
    3. Enable the checkbox “Produce Team Results”
    4. Select another phase and select again “Qualification”.
    5. Now you will see the “Teams” tab, and you can set up your event

    If you have further questions, just let me know.


    in reply to: Online Publishing while running two instances of Rank #2079

    Dear maikata329

    Thank you for your question. I’m doing many competitions with SIUSRank and also with multiple instances of Rank at the same time. I never had an issue with FTP upload from multiple instances on the same computer. So it should work and no workaround is necessaryl.

    Can you share maybe the name of your competition that you’ve uploaded or the link to it (……). Then we can have a look into it. To avoid sharing private data, just email to with the necessary information, and we will help you to solve this issue.

    in reply to: 3 SIUSRank questions #1798

    Hi Nickolai

    1. The countdown timer font could be change with the Header font option. BUT, the size of it is automatic calculated according to the available space. The height is limited to one line. In short, no, you can NOT enlarge it at the moment. Sorry.

    2. The FTP access is not possible for customers, sorry. The only thing you can do, if you have uploaded something accidentally, is creating a new Upload folder and delete the first one.

    3. The easiest way to shoot a final with only 7 (instead of 8 finalists) is the following.

    1. Select Final in the left navigation tree
    2. Select Shot Groups in the right part
    3. Switch the “Shoot Off Routine” of the first elimination from “RuleOutLast” to “NoShootOff” (e.g. for 10m Air Rifle it’s the column number 3 (index 2))

    I hope this short answers help. If not, just ask again.


    in reply to: SIUSRank – shooting 10m final alone #1756

    Hi Ruig

    If you want to avoid the rule out of the last athlete (in your case also the 1st because it’s the only one) you can do the following.

    1. Select phase “Final”
    2. Click on “Shot Groups” on the options tab in the middle of the app.
    3. In the column “Shoot Off Routine” change everything to “NoShootOff”
    4. No, no athlete will be ruled out.

    in reply to: Bundesliga-like/Head-to-Head competition #1550

    Hi Nickolai

    I understand your requirement and I agree that is similar to the Mixed Team format. But the Mixed Team mode cannot be modified to fulfil your requirement.
    SIUSRank doesn’t support a “Bundesliga” mode at the moment. Sorry.


    in reply to: Rank list for edited event in SIUSRank #1520

    Hi Nickolai again

    At the moment this workaround is the only solution to fix that problem.
    It’s a bug that we hide the “series” column as soon as only 1 series exist. But we should also check if there are more than one stage, than it should be visible again. I’ve reported that to our Developers. We will keep you informed about the progress.


    in reply to: Team events in SIUSRank #1516

    Hi Nickolai

    You’re welcome. Because the Mixed Team event mode has been change every other month in the past years we didn’t invest much effort to create a bright solution for it. It looks like now the format is stabilized somehow. Creating a “nice” report is already on our roadmap. Thank you for your input.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Philippe.
    in reply to: Rank list for edited event in SIUSRank #1512

    Hi Nickolai

    So far, you have done everything correctly.
    It looks like you have found a bug in our Software. SIUSRank cannot create a rank list with unequal number of series in the different stages. I’ve reported this to development and it will be fixed in an upcoming version. We will inform you in this forum.

    There is no real workaround for that issue. The only possible thing would be to introduce a 3rd series in the first stage and fill it up with 0 after the first 2 series are finished. Then you will see a 0 in the rank list.

    Sorry for that inconvenience. We will do our best to fix that issue as soon as possible.


    in reply to: Team events in SIUSRank #1481

    Hi Nickolai

    I would suggest the following to have a final format like at the ECH

    • Create a Competition, release a license and check “Enable Teams” in “General”
    • Create Event with template: 10m AIR PISTOL MIXED TEAM
    • Change “Size of Team” in APMIX/More Settings/Others to 3
    • Change “Name” in APMIX/General to your desired description of Event
    • Set “Number of Points to Win” in APMIX/Bronze Medal Match/Settings to 21
    • Enter Individuals in Tab Starters
    • Create two Teams in Tab Teams and assign the Starters to it

    With these settings you should be able to simulate a team event like at a European championship

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