HomePage Forums Technical Operation of the system SiusData Socket information

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    I would like to hear if you’re able to elaborate on the TCP Socket data format in SiusData? I’m currently tapping into the TCP/4000 socket, and trying to parse the data in order to create graphics for Broadcast and streams.

    One of the key things I’m currently missing, is to know which target they are shooting on (ISSF 10m air rifle or pistol). The second one is to know, when do they shoot sighters and match?

    Particular the following events:


    _SHPR;<firingPointID>;<LaneNumber>;<ShooterID>;<Unknown>;<Shoot section from inifile>;<Practice section from inifile>;<Unknown>;<Unknown>





    Best regards
    Henrik Strand




    Dear Henrik Strand

    in case of the age of SIUSData and the fact, that the new SR24 full STYX ranges does not work with SIUSData anymore, we do not support such special features like that anymore.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Best regards
    Peter Mahtys


    Hi Peter,

    I wouldn’t say it is a special feature.
    All I ask is to share the documentation regarding the TCP Socket.
    I couldn’t find via the built in help in SIUSData, only the CSV format for shot data

    I can see it is being used between SIUSData and SIUSRANK, and between SIUSData and SIUSView as well.

    We run a lot of competitions in Denmark on SIUS ranges, but they are installed with a LON infrastructure.

    So in order to create a more viewable event, we would like add streaming of finals. With both cameras and TV graphics.

    Everything with Graphics and streaming, will not be a SIUS provided service. But something we built ourself in Denmark.

    The only thing we need in order to have somekind of success is documentation of TCP/IP Socket and the data it send.

    Hope you will consider it again.

    Best regards,
    Henrik Strand


    Dear Henrik Strand

    if you like to access to LON Network to use it to deploy results, you better use SiusAPI instead of SIUSData.

    SiusAPI will give you the full access to the SIUS LON System and is still supported.

    If you like to go by SiusAPI, please send us an email to support with your detailed personal data and the request to get SiusAPI.

    Note: SiusAPI comes with examples. Support in programming is not included.

    Best regards
    Peter Mathys


    Dear Henrik Strand

    if you like to access to LON Network to use it to deploy results, you better use SiusAPI instead of SIUSData.

    SiusAPI will give you the full access to the SIUS LON System and is still supported.

    If you like to go by SiusAPI, please send us an email to support with your detailed personal data and the request to get SiusAPI.

    Note: SiusAPI comes with examples. Support in programming is not included.

    Best regards
    Peter Mathys


    Hi Peter,

    That sounds like the best solution!
    Way better than starting to reverse engineer the socket implementation and analyze the data.

    I will send an E-mail to support right away.

    Best regards,
    Henrik Strand

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Fredrik.

    I didn’t come any further with the use of SiusAPI. It looks like it requires an additional machine connected to the LON infrastructure. So I think it requires an extra SNI dongle.

    Right now I have been focusing on developing graphics for another vendor. And will hopefully come back to SIUS at some point. But it will be with the data from the TCP/IP Socket in SIUSData.

    I have been writing everything in Python so far for the project.

    So right now I have a service (Python container) locally on the shooting range, which connect to the TCP Socket and publish the relevant events to a RabbitMQ (which could be hosted in cloud). Another Python service which will subscribe to the RabbitMQ and insert the data into a PostgreSQL database.

    And that was about there I stopped.
    Please checkout my GitHub if you wanna know more

    Best regards,
    Henrik Strand

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