HomePage Forums Technical Operation of the system Sius Data: Shooter Export by Rank. How to include the number of Inner Tens?

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  • #2019

    In America, many junior programs are acquiring 5(five) HS10 lanes with SA951 controllers. Currently 29 schools are obtaining these for 10 meter air rifle. They are not ordering 10 lane command desk. They are not ordering rank. So they have no simple way to create a rank report.
    The Sius Data Export function almost gives them everything thing needed with the exception of a column for Inner Tens.
    I want to help them create a simple rank report utilizing the ExportShooters.csv file made available from the Activate Start List view. I have not been able to configure this report to show the Inner Tens. Yet, the View Shooters table shows the number of 10’s, 9’s, etc. and Mouc(Inner Tens).
    Is this possible? Or will it require a modification to the Sius Data program?

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by peter_mathys. Reason: Move from German to English Forum

    Dear Maikata329

    please use the “Shot Data” database instead of the ExportShooters.csv. The “Shot Data” database is normally located in C:\SIUS\SiusData\Data and has the name you entered at startup of SIUSData.

    The manual which you can get at Help “?” in the menu of SIUSData gives you an overview of the format of the “Shot Data” database. In this database you finde the Inner Tens and much details more.

    Peter Mathys

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