HomePage Forums Technical Operation of the system Strange behavior of HS10 target

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    We have a stand of 6 targets, all HS10s. One of the targets is behaving very strangely. It shows results that do not correspond at all to what a shooter usually does. (the shooter classically makes 98 and the result obtained is 82, with an enormous dispersion and totally impossible for a shooter of this level). Occasionally it gives a result of 0 or marks a numerical result without displaying the impact.
    I did a full target service, cleaning and trash disposal, but no change. Has anyone ever had this problem? is it due to a problem with the target or the terminal?


    Dear Marquis_St

    thank you for contacting SIUS Forum.

    Please check your targets with the pictures of the knowledge base entry “Target maintenance, bad examples“.
    If you don’t see any possibilities when you see the pictures there, why your targes have wrong scoring, please send us pictures of printouts, range and your targets by email to Support.

    Best regards

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