HomePage Forums Technical Conducting of competition Online Publishing while running two instances of Rank

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    The MBA range has the option for online publishing. For a tournament we are running this week we are opening two instances of rank. One instance is for the Sporter shooter group, and the other is for the Precision group.
    Both instances are configured to use the FTP upload for online publishing. Only the results for the Sporter instance had the results on the web site listed. The precision instance has no results.

    Question: When rank is opened and the FTP connector turned on, is the computer port for FTP locked to only the first instance? Making it so which ever instance of Rank’s FTP upload feature is turned on first will be the only instance that can share the data?
    If this is the case, and we wanted “Live” shot results available to the web for both shooter groups, is there are work around?
    Is the


    Dear maikata329

    Thank you for your question. I’m doing many competitions with SIUSRank and also with multiple instances of Rank at the same time. I never had an issue with FTP upload from multiple instances on the same computer. So it should work and no workaround is necessaryl.

    Can you share maybe the name of your competition that you’ve uploaded or the link to it (https://results.sius.com/Events.aspx?Championship=92a……). Then we can have a look into it. To avoid sharing private data, just email to support@sius.com with the necessary information, and we will help you to solve this issue.


    After testing this again, there is no issue with Sending the results via FTP with two instances of Sius Rank running.

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