HomePage Forums Technical System Maintenance Checking the Target Accuracy

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    Recently the NSRA of Great Britain has released guidance for checking EST accuracy. The foundation of the test is to produce a life size 1:1 scaled printout of the fired group. This printout would then be placed beneath the fired target mask, from which a comparison could be made.
    Officials of NSRA maintain this is performed by the RST officials prior to every major ISSF competition.

    How does one print a life size representation of the fired target on the HS10 system? From Sius Data? From Sius Rank?

    Here is the link the the NSRA announcement.


    Dear Maikata329

    in SIUSData you have the possibility when you printout targets to select “Target in original size”. The Printout will be then in 1:1 life size.

    Note: Please check the printout with a ruler. If there are differences in printout, 100mm on the ruler is not 100mm on the paper you can adjust the scale by adjusting the number “1000” at “X-Messung” and “Y-Messung”.
    For more details see also SIUSData help topic “Target in original size”.

    Best regards
    Peter Mathys

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