We have recently acquired 34 SA951 touch screen controllers for our HS10 lanes used at Montgomery Bell Academy. These were installed in November 2021. Since then, we see a new anomaly that was very rare with the SA941.
While running a 3-P match, where each series has pre-defined time limits for sighting time, and record fire time, we are finding some lanes do not change mode from sighting to match and vice versa when the mode change is sent from Sius Data to all the lanes. It is random as to which lane doesn’t change mode. We cant determine if this is related to the network or if a competitor happens to be touch the area of the screen that changes the mode.
It would be helpful if the functionality of the touch screen could be defined by the ADMIN of the controller. For example, when the program is sent to the controller from Sius Data, only the zoom function is enabled. All others are locked.
Also, variable user definitions besides the basic user group, and Admin user group. Where target lifters are used, sometimes the lifter doesn’t stop in the correct spot. On the SA941 we simply selected System/Hardware/Target/Target Lifter/ and then moved it manually. This function shouldn’t be limited to only the ADMIN level of security. Especially since we are unable to program the offset on several of our lanes that were installed on movable platforms with wheels so they can be set for 10 meter or 50 feet.
This topic was modified 3 years ago by
peter_mathys. Reason: Move from German to English Forum